Staring procedures at Poulshot

You will have seen that we have acquired additional land in which to locate the pits. This is to ensure a more clearly defined “no-fly” area irrespective of wind condition, a better pits area and safer sitting area. This is all to provider a safer environment for us to enjoy our hobby. We hope to bring this into use towards the end of May when the newly sown grass can be cut.
In the meantime, we would take this opportunity to remind members of the safety procedures when using the pits.
All planes and starting equipment must be located adjacent to the long grass which divides the pits from the flying area. All planes must face the patch and be tethered.
This is the only area where planes can be started, or in the case of electric, made “live” by connecting the battery. For yours and everyone’s safety you must comply with this.

Poulshot Track

Please be careful when driving low cars along Poulshot track. Further work is shortly to be carried out which will involve rolling to reduce the height of the centre. If you suspect your car may touch please position your car to one side or the other to avoid this happening and avoid damaged.