Carlos’s Ansaldo SVA 5 – Maiden Flight


Congratulations to Carlos Guerra whose magnificent Ansaldo SVA 5 had its maiden flight at Stow Maries aerodrome on Saturday 6th May.

At 33kg it’s firmly in the ‘Large Model’ category and Ian Redshaw took the sticks on this occasion to make it fly. A change of prop for the second flight the following day gave increased performance. Carlos took  this video of the first flight with barely a tremor evident as he grasped his camcorder:


Carlos’ Ansaldo SVA 5 Nears Completion

Carlos writes that he has had comments about the flag’s colour on the side of the fuselage that it should be orange and not red (!). He’s gone for red because the Italian flag is green, white and red and because he’s studied the full size for some six months prior to building and still uses it as his main reference. There’s attention to detail! Unfortunately I can’t publish the photos of the full size he sent over as they are copyrighted but I’m sure a little internet research would throw them up if you’re interested.
And he’s posted this on YouTubey:


Ansaldo SVA 5

Carlos has been making excellent progress with his third scale Ansaldo SVA 5 and has sent over some photos to keep us up to date.

A reminder of the full size one:

And Carlos’ version:

Carlos is making a working exhaust to match the real one!

Carlos Cracks On

Carlos Guerra has sent over some photos of how his third scale Ansaldo SVA 5 is coming along. Won’t be long now at this rate.

Very impressive.

Carlos tells me that it now needs additional sheeting on the wings and fuselage and attention to the some of the smaller details.
He reckons that this will take a while yet as time is limited at the moment. That’ll be a couple of weeks then….

Carlos’s Ansaldo Update


Carlos has clearly not been idle as the nights draw in and has sent these photos of how he’s getting on with his third scale Ansaldo SVA project:






I nearly finished the tail wing, cowl, support top of main wing and undercarriage and have only some small things to do. I hope to start work in top wing this week.

Mmm. He’s making me look bad with how my DVII’s getting on. Time to shift gear then to get things ready for 2011!