I have been asked several times, what type of fuel proofer I use, that gives a high gloss.
There are 3 types of 2 pack fuel proofer sold in the modelling world. Tufcote, Aerokote and Flexikote. All are a 2 pack resin type fuel proofers. Cost about £5 for 100ml.
For a number of years I have used Rustins plastic floor coating. It is a two pack cold cure lacquer. Designed for sealing floors. It is available in gloss or matt and a 1 ltr tin can cost as little as £15. It is mixed with the catalyst at 16 to 1 and dries in about 10mins. It is completely fuel proof, even high nitro fuel. It can be brushed, or sprayed on, but if spraying, it needs to be thinned slightly, with the thinners that comes in the pack (or cellulose thinners). A 1 ltr tin will last you years and it doesn’t seem to go off in the tin.