Brian Phillips:
‘Its an Aeronca Champ quarter scale 105 inch wing span.
Its taken two years so far but Boris has let me do a bit on it of late, it only wants covering now, must find where I can get a loan.Everybody has heard about it so its no illusion, here it is.Just to Rub it in to Al its got that old OS 90 motor in it that he could not get going, thanks to Garth’s rebuild of it.And mine is bigger than Boxy’s, in the wingspan that is.’
(Apologies for the delay in updating things – my PC died bigtime with all my emails, folders, links, passwords, etc, without any backups of course, and the replacement that I’ve had to nick off Junior hasn’t got any of those useful little programs I was using to make life easier. Ho hum. Another lesson learned the hard way!)