Missed the opportunity to quiz Ray Litten on the DC3 he displayed at the Family Day, but he has kindly updated me with the following:
‘I purchased the plans directly from Tony Nijhuis who had made a feature of them in the Jan/Feb 2004 magazine ‘RCM & E’. Tony also gave me the phone number of Sarik Vacforms and a word with Roly, secured me the engine narcelles and cockpit.
All the balsa and lite ply was sourced from SLEC, in Norfolk.
The air up/air down under carriage I made from Aluminium which I machined on my lathe and milling machines. The only parts I didn’t buy were the two air cylinders which were needed to operate the under carriage.(?)
I reckon I spent as much time building this part as I did on the rest of the aircraft.
Covering it proved no mean task as although the wings were relatively easy the fuselage was not. All those compound curves were a nightmare to cover with film and in desperation I resorted to spraying it with plasticote.
The wing span is 72 inches.
The power plant consists of two ‘axi’ 2820/10 motors which are rated at up to 4s with a maximum current of 42amps. Each motor is supplied from a 3s lipo rated at 4300 @ 20C using a 40Amp ESC
I calculate that at full bore, these motors will draw about 35amp off of each battery. With a supply voltage of arount 10 volts this should give an overall wattage of about 700 watts. The plane weighs just over 8lbs so that gives about 85wt/lb. I’m hoping this will be sufficient to move the plane quite speedily.’
I gather there’s just the small detail of sorting out the C of G and then it’s ready to go. Flying shots to follow!
And Tony Box has provided some coverage on our presence at the ATC Fete at Bowerhill on 20th June:
It looks like a bit of covered Meccano is defeating the finest minds currently active in the Club. How frightening is that?!!
The Melksham Town Crier was there taking an interest in the models – it turned out he was once a designer for Airfix Kits!
Thanks once again to Tony for keeping us up to date with Club activities.