Sunday 14th March

A bright, breezy day and a good turnout after a slow start (well it was Mothering Sunday, and there was a Grand Prix, so I guess it was mainly just us bad boys). There were loads of photo opportunities and it’s difficult to work out what to put in, but here’s a taster:

One side of the pits.

Richard Holloway was on hand with the sort of camera you only normally see at national sporting events, so thanks to him for some excellent flying shots, and admitting defeat after my last efforts, I handed my camera over to Michael, who couldn’t see what the problem was. (Well, actually, I wanted to test out my new Wot4 artf, so I was busy, actually…)

Al Pinnington was there with his all purpose SV26 petrol powered Protech Megastar (glider tug/toffee bomber/big thing):

(Photo: Richard Holloway)

On Finals.

And Tony Box brought along his Piel Emerauld CP301:

(Photo: Richard Holloway)

How that for realism?

Tony also had his Graupner Yak 54 that he thrashed around with when he got fed up relaxing with the Piel:

(Photo: Richard Holloway)

And Garth flew his Wot Trainer which he’s recently up-engined to a ’70’ so that he can catch up with Tony Box’s. (Allegedly.) In fact, the main reason I’ve gone for the Wot 4 is that I’m fed up with being a spectator when only Garth and Tony can fly because of the weather! (Not forgetting Andy Hill, of course, who’s got a pukka kit-built Wot 4.)

(Photo: Richard Holloway)

And nearly finally, the Wot4 after its first flight and still in one piece. (I never do the cowl until I know they fly – life’s too short!) Flies fine with an OS 46 AX and no extra weight needed to get the CofG right. Michael had a go and tried to make bits fall off it, but failed, so either my building’s getting better or it’s a good kit to start with. (Answers on a postcard please.)

Perfectly proportioned and performs in all weathers…

And really finally, Peter Watts was awarded his ‘A’ Certificate by Club examiner Bob Rudland. Congratulations to him, and who’s next??