Wessex Model Flying Club is a British Model Flying (BMFA) affiliated club. Flying is carried out at Keevil airfield under licence to the Ministry of Defence. This is an active airfield and is shared with Bannerdown Gliding Club and other occasional users. In addition, we have a dedicated large flying site approximately 3 miles from Keevil so when the airfield is not available, due to military commitments, we can still fly. We have unlimited flying 7 days a week.
Originally the club was started by modellers who were at the forefront of radio control technology when the hobby was extremely expensive and somewhat unreliable. Fortunately, the hobby now has access to inexpensive and very reliable equipment. In 1995 a new constitution was produced and since then this has been the basis of our rules and regulations to ensure a safe and secure flying environment.
The club encourages most sections of the hobby and whilst fixed wing flying is the largest interest there is an active helicopter group. Although we have some members who tend to large and exotic models most members are content to buy ready-built models from the local hobby shops or construct from a plan.
Most powered models continue to use methanol based or better known as glow engines, although the interest in petrol engines and electric motors has grown to equal the traditional glow motor over recent years.
The membership of the club spans many years and it is encouraging that younger members are joining, especially when father and sons find a common interest in the hobby. The club policy is to attend local fetes and events to attract new members whilst at the same time as promoting the hobby and aviation in general.
For members new to the hobby we have flying training models so that flying can be experienced (before deciding to purchase a model) within minutes of reaching the airfield with no previous knowledge. Several dedicated instructors will help to develop the necessary skills with your model to enable flyers to safely control a model aircraft through all the different phases of a flight. Not only is this the safest path to the hobby but also the least costly.
There are no restrictions where age is concerned and many of us can be shown up by very junior members.
With modern technology two transmitters can be coupled together via a lead giving a buddy box system, the instructor has the master whereas the student has the buddy transmitter this makes a very safe and fast way to learn.
October 2017