Wessex Model Flying Club Rules 2022
- Persons on site MUST be members of the B.M.F.A & members of Wessex Model Flying Club or an accompanied guest of a member of Wessex Model Flying Club.
- Current BMFA Rules must be followed at all times.
- Transmitters using the 2.4Ghz or 35Mhz band are permitted. Peg boards must be used to allocate frequency on the 35Mhz band and pennants showing number identification should be displayed on transmitters.
- If using 35Mhz members arriving on site must ascertain who also may be using their frequency before commencing operations.
- Before switching on any 35Mhz radio gear, members have to supply and display their own coloured or numbered peg WITH THEIR NAME ON and put it on the peg board in use on the day, before switching on their Transmitter. When the flight has finished, the Transmitter MUST be switched off and the peg removed immediately. (Pegs must be standard width and only cover the frequency number being used.) 2.4Ghz users need not supply a peg or use the peg board system but be aware of other users on that frequency.
- A maximum ceiling of 400ft must be observed irrespective of model weight.
- Interference with other legitimate users of the airfield must be avoided. Vehicles must only park in areas designated by a committee member. Driving or walking elsewhere on the airfield is not normally allowed. Dogs are not allowed on the Airfield.
- All models over 7Kg in weight must conform to current CAA regulations. (Fail-safes must be operative and must bring the throttle to tick-over.)
- The taxiing of models or the hovering of Helicopters in the pit areas being used is PROHIBITED.
- If planes are taxied from the pits exit to the pilot’s line they must be held by the tail otherwise they should be carried.
- Pilots must fly from the designated pilot’s lines only.
- No more than 5 (five) models may be airborne at any one time.
- All internal combustion engines MUST be silenced in accordance with B.M.F.A. regulations on noise levels.
- The instructions of a committee member must always be observed. Anyone considered flying in a dangerous manner shall be first warned. Failure to observe this warning immediately will result in the member being reported to the Club Committee or required to land immediately until the matter is resolved.
- In the event of infringement of any of the rules, the Club Committee has the power to take whatever action it thinks fit, including expulsion of the offender.
- Mobile Phones MUST NOT be operated on the flight-line or in the pits area.
- ALL users of 35Mhz: NEVER TAKE YOUR TRANSMITTER ACROSS THE PATCH WHEN RETRIEVING YOUR MODEL leave it in the pilots box area. All pilots of electric models (or IC models where the engine is still running) using 2.4Ghz transmitters MUST TAKE THEIR TRANSMITTER when collecting models so as to remain in full control of the model whilst it is armed. The use of a “kill switch” is actively encouraged.
- Pilots must not over-fly the pits, cars or people at any time.
- Spot noise level checks will be made during the year.
- When flying pilots must use the following calls as appropriate: Clear to take off, Landing, On the Patch, Dead stick.
- If any pilot is concerned about a possible mid-air contact on the main patch during a busy they may call for circuits only, in which case the other pilots must comply for the remainder of that slot.
- The pits area, pilot box and no fly zones are clearly defined on maps available on request.
- It is a requirement that any Member flying a Gas Turbine-powered aircraft (fixed wing or helicopter) is to be accompanied by an Observer/Helper during flight or in the pits. The Member must also hold a BMFA “B” certificate (F or H which ever applies). Additionally, any Member wishing to start this branch of the hobby, apart from complying with the above, must learn a good grounding in Gas Turbine operation. They must initially confer with a Club Examiner as to the suitability of their model and his/her expertise in being able to fly it safely.The BMFA handbook section “Safety Advice for Specific Model Types – Gas Turbines should be used as guidance and complied with. Examples being start-up procedures, safety requirements and an appreciation of the amount of sky generally required when flying fast models.
Keevil Airfield Specific Rules
- The Rules of Entry to the Airfield have been amended in line with the M.O.D. See the separate attached sheet which we advise is kept safe as it has all the relevant telephone numbers and procedures on it. No damage shall be caused to land or buildings within the bounds of the Airfield or adjacent land or buildings privately owned. The Airfield must always be left in a clean and tidy condition.
- The grass area in front of the Control Tower is the main flying area.
- When the grass area is waterlogged or unusable we can fly from the top 100 metres of the south-west end of the main runway. Subject to there being no military or gliding activity on the airfield. People or cars must be parked away from the flight line and not on the runway.
- A maximum ceiling of 400ft must be observed irrespective of model weight.
- A spotter must be present. This means that everyone present should act as a spotter and advise the pilot(s) of approaching aircraft. To facilitate this, two people need to be present at all times. There can be no lone flying at Keevil.
- If military personnel or gliding club officials ask us to move from the tarmac area we MUST obey and move to the grassed area.
- Only one flying site may be used at any one time, i.e. only the grass or only the tarmac and not run two flight lines.
- When flying from the tarmac models must be flown within the bounds of the airfield perimeter and not flown out towards the villages. Vehicles must be parked well away from the flight line and must not be over flown.
- When flying from the grass patch, the areas over the control tower, car park and gliding club buildings are deemed “DEAD AREAS” and must not be flown over.
- If full sized Aircraft (Helicopters or Fixed Wing] suddenly appear over the airfield, models must be landed immediately (on or off the patch) until the situation is made clear.
Poulshot Specific Rules
- No cars may be driven on the patch under any circumstances. Cars may be turned in the corner nearest the track for unloading but then must be parked in the car park area.
- The pits area(s) and pilots lines are defined on a sketch available on request.
- Either pits area may be used dependent upon wind direction but they must not be used simultaneously.
- When starting all planes must be tethered regardless of power source and must face outwards from the pits to the flying area as near as practical to the long grass leaving safe passage to walk behind running models.
Updated 22nd April 2022