Just seen the weather forecast for the next few days and I wish I hadn’t. More gales on the way and no chance of flying for a while. And we missed what may have been the only recent opportunity last Sunday 15th by having to take advantage of the break in the weather to catch up with some chores. Oh the irony of it all!! Anyway, we’ve not been idle – I’ve been building and Michael’s been getting down to some serious GCSE swotting. (At least that what he tells me he’s doing when his phone rings and he has to rush out for a few hours.)
And being such a good dad I thought I’d take over his Ben Buckle Elf biplane as he’s got so much schoolwork to do. It’s coming along quite well, even though I say so myself: Still a bit to do yet though, but watch out Dave Evans, there’s competition on the way!
And on another note, anyone else have the same problem as us?
The dining room’s got a few bits and pieces in it too.
So what’s a chap to do? Daughter has left home and her room is a fair size. (Got one of those stern looks from the management when I suggested another use for it, so that was a non starter.) And then in a flash of brilliance I reasoned that if I put a lot of the junk from the garage into the shed, there would be room for a couple of benches and a shelf or two, and being next to the kitchen it would be dead handy for cups of tea and meals to be brought out to me so that my building works won’t have to be interupted! And that’s where we are now, one half done, and off to get more wood for the other side tomorrow.
Soon be space for some new planes then….
If anyone’s got any projects on the go they’d care to share with the rest of us, please send me details so that I can add them here. Photos of a workshop indeed – must be desperate! (Well, I’ve shown you mine…)
And finally for now for club members, don’t forget the AGM on Tuesday 8th December at Trowbridge Cricket Club – your chance to have a say in how your club is going to be run next year.