Rory’s chums from Bowerhill Cub Scouts came to visit!
A wonderful day in many respects: sunshine, little to no wind, a visit from an enthusiastic Cub Scout pack (and their parents), a good flying display, and some much appreciated input from our colleagues from Bannerdown Gliding club. (Not to mention some hard work by Andy Morse and others!)
This is about as many as could be kept still in one place at a time, and I suspect that’s only because their leader Chris was on hand!
Andy and Bob conducting a naming of parts exercise before Bob goes on to demo the technique of flying a radio controlled aircraft.
Pat Cuss goes back to basics and demo’s one of the twenty or so BMFA Darts that he Tony and Vic had put together for the occasion
And one of the many mass launches that took place during the afternoon.
And general flying took place around the Cub activities. Here are a couple of flying shots of Vic’s P47 that were missing from the last time it came out!
And Garth turned up with his Trislander, and after a bit of engine tweaking had it airborne and looking as good in the air as it does on the ground.