Or at least it’s started springing a bit more now that the snows have melted. A few good flying sessions were to be enjoyed this month, with hopefully many more on the way. Chairman Al demonstrated the ultimate in downsizing, Tony Box’s Piper Pawnee flew successfully and is now a regular sight, and Andy Morse and Andy Hill have been training a couple of youngsters with the buddy box. Good to see some new faces and don’t these young’uns ever pick it up quickly?!!
Hopefully I’ll get the camera out a bit more now that it’s warming up and post more pictures showing the real variety of aircraft that are flown by members. Watch this space!
Al P shows off his little red thing…
And here’s how it all starts!
Rory Harris, (aged 8 at the time of this photo but now 9 – Happy Birthday!) walking out to the patch with a couple of instructors, dad Steve and younger brother Archie.
Rory’s training is now well underway and he’ll be showing us all up pretty soon at the rate he’s going!