Not many flying opportunities so far this year (and blizzards forecast for the first few days in February), but members have been out there braving the elements and you’ll generally find a presence most weekends. A great deal of discussion and not much actual flying so far, it has to be said, but we’re ever hopeful!
Tony Box has sent in a couple of shots of his Piper Pawnee (last seen at November’s meeting in basic airfarme state) and reports that it is ready for it’s maiden flight. Any day now!
In fact, it should have flown by now but a coming together of a fragile, cold, numb digit and a rapidly turning, hard, sharp propellor resulted in a cracked bone and a trip to Casualty for Tony. A lesson for us all, methinks…
Points Mean Prizes
Finally found my notes from the AGM with details of who won what. So, apologies for the delay and in no particular order…
The Brian Chandler Cup for the Best Engineered Model of 2009 was awarded to John Bishop for his autogyro.
Ken Simpkins took the Freelance Cup for Aerobatics, whilst Dave Tallen got the Vic Burton Memorial Trophy for being the Most Improved Flier.
The Best Model of The Year went to Garth Pearce for his Waco, and against stiff competition Andy Johnston got suitable recognition for producing the Best Crash of the Year with his Tiger Moth.
Tony Woodhouse was deemed to be the Best Engine Twiddler, and finally Vic Ford was voted Club Member of the Year in recognition and appreciation of the way he took on the job of Club Secretary, (learning about computers and emails as he went along just for the job) and very quickly showed himself to be as an enthusiastic and effective Secretary as we could have hoped for.
Congratulations to one and all.