Well what a mix it’s been! Some fantastic flying opportunities and a brief return of Winter (hopefully the last we’ll see of that). Been battling with a sick PC (and the quest for a second-hand caravan – as yet unsuccessful, anyone out there got anything?) so apologies for the lack of updates – Tony Box has come to the rescue with some photos, so here we go..
Pat Cuss’s 1/3 scale Albatross has flown (last seen in a skeletal state at the Club meeting in November – scroll down for a reminder). Pat reported that apart from slight adjustment to the rigging, it flew “off the board”
And Chairman Al succesfully flew his electric twin. (Sounded great – even though it doesn’t have ‘proper’ engines.)
Do you think he looks nervous? Or are those just baggy trousers?
I think this was the end of the first ground run (at least that’s what Al said – it looked like it just wouldn’t take off to the rest of us).
Only kidding – here it goes on a perfect proving flight…
And apologies to Will Harley who had a very successful maiden flight with his electric Dornier (again, as seen somewhere below). I had him lined up for ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos and managed to press the wrong button on the camera on both occassions. Well it does fly, and very well too – I’ve seen it!