Had a prior engagement booked by she who must be obeyed on the Sunday, so we made the most of the current weather and had a full day out at Keevil on Saturday. Excellent flying conditions: bright sunny skies (very strange without the vapour trails!) and little to no wind, and a good turnout. Brian Philips got the mower out and sorted the patch out for us all (we hope to get some proper tuition sorted out soon so more of us can safely have a go and make it less of a chore for the regulars). Enough waffle already!
It must be summer! The signs are all there..First it’s the snowdrops, then it’s daffs, now it’s this vintage pair:
Andy Hill turned up with a couple of small choppers:
I had fun remembering how to fly sedately round and then land with flaps with my Super Cub:
Chris Kirk got in some more flights with his Cap-it. Michael seems to be getting more relaxed! (Having said that, he did have an exciting few moments when he took it off and started flying around on the ‘heli’ settings that Chris had left the transmitter on!)
Bob Rudland had a good tinker with his venerable Astro Hog and had it zipping round the sky. ( I only managed to catch it upside down in its cradle being cleaned off, but it’s a nice one of Bob actually moving.)
And our chums at the Gliding Club seemed to be having as good a day as us.
Here’s one of my favourites on its way up:
As always, if anyone’s got any news or photos of stuff going on and off the patch (I can’t always get there! ), please send them over.