The hottest day of the year so far. 25c and clear blue skies. Wonderful! A good number of us managed to put off those chores and made it over to Keevil for an excellent day’s flying.
Andy Johnston brought out his fabulous Tiger Moth and this Venom ‘Chuckie’ from a Westfield kit. Ample power from an OS 25LA and what an ideal shape for a hand launch. Andy demonstrated the left hand launch technique (right hand being required for the transmitter) – quite a difference from those awkward fun fighter types that sometimes just go all wrong as soon as you lob them into the air.
A shot of a launch would have been good now that I think of it, but here it is resting between flights.
Andy also invited Michael to have a go with his Tiger Moth and there was some experimentation with side slip techniques. Not at all easy with this model, I understand.
Pat Cuss treated us all to the wafting aroma of a Fish and Chip lunch (why does he always do that when I’m hungry?) before rigging up his venerable Regal Eagle for an afternoon’s flying.
He was innocently asked what engine was in it, and pouncing on the opportunity he replied:
‘A Zenoah 38. That’s why it says Zenoah on the wings and 38 on the fuselage.’
Enough said!
Tony Box brought along this line up for his day’s flying. Most things covered there then!
And between flights he spent some time with Chris Brack on the buddy box. Despite the fact that Chris is doing it all by the book just as he should he doesn’t seem to have much luck at the moment and ended up with a repair job to do on his Wot Trainer. The engine seems to be sorted now though – that’s one less thing to worry about.
Andy Johnston test flew Chris’s Hangar 9 Pulse for him and it’s ready to go when Chris is ready. Chris’s collection:
Richard Holloway brought along his OS48 powered Great Planes Escapade which Brian Philips took up for him.
And Norman Hart had fun with his 3D Prangster. OS 46 powered with a super efficient silencer – sounded lovely.
I managed to fit both the Wot4 AND my RV-8 into the new transportation so both got flown during the day.
Almost as pretty as my Kwik Fly. Which I still miss!