Mark Coombs Models for sale

Mark is giving up model flying and has a number of models for sale:

1/3 scale tri plane with z62cc petrol with reduction gear all new plus savox servos £1200
1/4 scale tiger moth with petrol engine ready to fly  £400
Glenns cap  30 percent with 62cc engine all new savox servos £600 
bret cap crcr pro 50cc all savox servos only flown a couple of times  £450 
black horse new port with dle petrol engine only a couple of flights £500 
blackhorse christian eagle z23cc petrol engine all servos £450 
helli trex with body shell 450  £400 other pics available
Call or text Mark on if interested 07703754377


Keevil Access – Aug 2019

Hi, For those who may not read our emails but do look at the web page – there is no access to Keevil Airfield until further notice.  This is due to an issue with our insurance cover which only effects members on Keevil Airfield where as we are fully covered for flying elsewhere.


More shortly.

Well done to these three

A big well done to these three. Mick has passed and been awarded his BMFA examiners certificate for fixed wing.  Peter has passed his A test and John, believe it or not, has passed his B test.