John Thomas flew his YT International Chipmunk
An amazing day for mid October and surely we won’t be getting many more like that one for a few months. Lots of sunshine, warm, and little to no wind. Perfect for a. gardening and b. flying model aircraft. Those of us who were up to date with a. enjoyed a whole day’s b. I suspect that not many were allowed out until a. was sorted, because Richard Holloway was there on his own for most of the morning until we turned up just before lunch.
As it turned out it was a good busy day in the end, with some notable successes. And the grass got cut!!
Not up to YT’s usual standard according to John. I’m sure he’d tell you more but it looked fine to me.
Chris Kirk saw his pretty plan-built Harmony successfully test flown. It’s quick!
Young Michael was practising his 3D flying with his S Bach 342
And congratulations to Andrew Dale who passed his ‘B’ certificate test, flying his OS70 powered YT Iconic.
Who’s next??
And Andy and Ross Morse spent the whole afternoon working on the mower for us.
It’s now got a new battery and starter motor, and Ross has taken the rad away to be looked at to see if there’s a cure to the overheating problem. We started up the old mower and after a general meeting and much discussion/advice we worked out/remembered how to use it and Pat Cuss successfully test flew it and the patch was mown! Ross hopes to get the main mower fixed by next weekend – members will be advised when it is back and safe to use. Thanks to Andy and Ross for giving up their spare time to get us sorted.